Labels for Education and Art!!

Please save your labels for education.

 Here is another way you can help our elementary art department.  Please clip and save your Labels for Education for us. There are LOTS of products with these labels.  Please click here and take a look. 

Eligible Products

  We are going to use them towards items for art.  The first items on our list are painting easels.  Labels can be sent to school,  or dropped off at local businesses with Label and Lid drop boxes.  Thanks again for your overwhelming generosity!!

By the way,  we are still saving bottle caps!

Have we flipped our lids? Yep, and our bottle caps too!

Please help us recycle & also make an awesome art project!

We are collecting plastic bottle caps and lids for an art project.  We need as many shapes, sizes and colors as we can possibly get our hands on.  These can be off of pop bottles,  detergent jugs,  cleaning supplies,  milk jugs,  juice bottles,  frosting tubs,  spray starch cans,  spray paint cans,  disinfecting wipe containers, mayonnaise jars,  and on and on…  you get the general idea.  I do ask that they are rinsed off prior to sending them to school.

Eventually I hope to get some collection jars into some of the businesses in town to also help in our efforts.  If anybody has any large, 2 gallon or so, clear, plastic jars that we could have,  it would be very helpful.  Thanks again for all of your help and support.

Teresa Euken

Holiday Gift Ideas

As I was teaching a group of 5th graders the other day,  some of the girls started singing their own version of “All I Want For Christmas”  except they changed the words from “two front teeth”  to ART SUPPLIES!   

“All I want for Christmas is some art supplies,

art supplies,  art supplies,

all I want for Christmas is some art supplies…”

Well,  you get the general idea.  All of the kids then started asking where they could get some of the tools and materials that we use in class.  As our conversation went on,  I explained to them that perhaps this year instead of asking for expensive hand-held video games,  they maybe should consider art supplies for Christmas.  To my delight,  they loved the idea.  The asked me to share with you a few gift ideas and where you could purchase them.   

I love shopping for supplies at Hobby Lobby.  They have a weekly online newsletter.  Just go to to register.  This often has 40% off coupons!  That’s when I like to shop for big supplies.  Check it out! 

Here are a few of the things we have been using in classes that have been popular hits with the kids:

*oil pastels (these are kind of a combination between oil paints and a piece of chalk) 

*watercolors (these can be found in most school supply areas of most department stores)

*drawing paper,  pencils,  charcoals,  

 *drawing books with simple step by step pictures

*colored pencils

*weaving supplies – Looms can vary in price,  depending on what kind you get.  Different grade levels are learning different types of weaving so if you need some advice with this,  please contact me.

I hope this has been helpful.  Please share some of these ideas with grandparents too.